PROJECT: CLCT Architecte
BUILDING MAINTENANCE: Sogemac Habitat, Commune de Viroflay
SURFACE: 4 540 m²
200 meters from the "Chaville-Vélizy" RER C station, LinkCity has created a student dormitory with 180 beds (150 T1 and 15 doubles). The dormitory offers spacious common areas, such as a laundry room, cafe, internal patio and two squash courts in the basement. Social life can, therefore, also be filled through joint sports activities. Linkcity once again proves its mastery in innovative and original projects. Located near the SNCF tracks, the building is built on spring boxes to neutralize the transmission of vibrations through the ground. This residence was sold to SOGEMAC Habitat and entrusted to the management of CROUS in Versailles. The building area is 4540 m² (+ 300 m² for squash).